Machine Operator
Job overview
Electrical and electronic machines and office equipment are today operated by an ever-increasing number of men and women in commerce, industry, banks, universities, hospitals, municipalities and government departments.
What do people do in these jobs?
The handling of the different machines varies according to the type of machine and the nature of the processing to be done.
In the case of the bookkeeping machine, where data are keyed in directly, the results depend entirely on the skill of the operators.
Although the functions are of a repetitive nature, prospective operators are subjected to short training courses, usually offered by the suppliers of the machines or by the employers.
What kinds of people are suitable for these careers?
Operators of the various office machines need to be adept at figures and must not find the work monotonous.
In the case of computers, the tasks performed are varied.
Such a person should also have good hand dexterity as well as good eye hand co-ordination.
Some of these jobs are particularly suitable for people with certain physical disabilities, such as lack of mobility in the legs.
What qualifications are needed?
Good school-leaving results, particularly in mathematics.